who am i

In the working world we are accustomed to labels. So am I a storyteller, a director, a producer, an e-learning specialist, a project manager, a photographer, a music teacher, an interdisciplinary artist, a hole-plugger? I'm actually all of these things, but in the search for a single label, I found one that may actually work for me:

I am a comprehensivist.

What does it mean? It just means I can see the whole picture, I can see the minutiae of detail, I can connect the dots, I can make it all happen from concept through to completion. It means I have lots of skills, and more importantly I can weave those skills all together to make something. 

My lifeblood is using the combination of the visual and aural over time in order to say something - this could be a statement, a story, a piece of learning or even a feeling. I basically like to craft experiences. 

In the personal world, I'm curious. About everything.

Right now I'm swimming in a sea of origins and the connection with DNA; the strength to be found in female experiences; the intensive joy of travelling; real food; and the neverending search for spiritual meaning.

Yep, that's me for now.


For those who prefer it: LinkedIn Profile